Are - 32 citations

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde

19e siècle
"Then let us murmur not at anything; For if our ills are curable, 'tis idle, and if they are past remedy, 'tis vain."
Alphonse Allais

Alphonse Allais

19e siècle
"EXCENTRIC'S We are told that the sultan Mahrnoud by his perpetual wars... SIR CORDON SONNETT."
Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam

Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam

19e siècle
"Duke of Portland A Monsieur Henry La Luberne. Gentlemen, you are welcome to Elsinore."
Prosper Mérimée

Prosper Mérimée

19e siècle
"The first words of a prayer to the Virgin composed from St. Luke I, verses 26-28 and 41-44, to which are added the following words: "Sancta Maria mater Dei ora pro nobis nunc et in hora."]"
Paul Sébillot

Paul Sébillot

19e siècle
"Un proverbe anglais constate qu'il est difficile et n'est bien exercé que par peu de gens: All are not turners that are dish throwers."


19e siècle
"CHAPITRE XX LES LETTRES ANONYMES Do not give dalliance Too much the rein; the strongest oaths are straw To the fire i' the blood."
Eugène Scribe

Eugène Scribe

19e siècle
"Since the French have no first person singular imperative, they are forced to use either the plural, as here, or the subjunctive.]"
Jules Verne

Jules Verne

19e siècle
"Editorial note: the runes in the text are represented by the last two hexadecimal digits of their Unicode encoding (from 16A0 to 16F0)."
Alphonse Daudet

Alphonse Daudet

19e siècle
"The "Moors" of to-day in Algeria are their descendants; the ancient Moors were Berbers."
J.-H. Rosny

J.-H. Rosny

19e siècle
"Et me prenant la main: How are you? fit-il."
Hippolyte Taine

Hippolyte Taine

19e siècle
"But what, in these dull unimaginative days, are the terrors of Conscience to the diseases of the liver!"
Henriette Lucie Dillon La Tour du Pin Gouvernet

Henriette Lucie Dillon La Tour du Pin Gouvernet

19e siècle
"Do you mean that we are free? Je répondis: Yes, upon my honour, from this moment, as free as I am myself."
Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas

19e siècle
"Note: Images of the original pages are available through the Bodleian Libraries, Univerity of Oxford."
Hippolyte Taine

Hippolyte Taine

19e siècle
"When you are laid in bed so soft, A cage of gold shall hang aloft, With long paper fair burning, And cloves that be sweet smelling."
Jules Verne

Jules Verne

19e siècle
"Après que nous lui eûmes esquissé à grands traits les péripéties de notre voyage, elle nous dit avec un accent qui partait du coeur: «How much you are envied here by everybody!"
Jules Verne

Jules Verne

19e siècle
"Block quotations are indented to start in column 5 and set ragged right with a line length of 60 characters."
Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam

Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam

19e siècle
"DUKE OF PORTLAND A Monsieur Henry La Luberne. Gentlemen, you are welcome to Elsinore."
Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling

19e siècle
"The clouds are thick around their heads, The mists around their feet."
Hippolyte Taine

Hippolyte Taine

19e siècle
"I know they are as lively, and as vigorously productive, as those fabulous dragon's teeth; and being sown up and down, may chance to spring up armed men."
Auguste Angellier

Auguste Angellier

19e siècle
"By James Currie M. D.To which are now added some further particulars of the Author's Life, new notes, illustrative of bis Poems, and Letters, and many other Additions, by GILBERT BURNS."
Walter Scott

Walter Scott

18e siècle
"Note 2: Dogs should not worry dogs where wolves and foxes are to be found in abundance."
Louis de Rouvroy Saint-Simon

Louis de Rouvroy Saint-Simon

18e siècle
"There are certain genealogical chapters, notably the long one on the Rohan family, which will deter all but the stoutest genealogist."


18e siècle


17e siècle
"Footnote are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext."


17e siècle
"Footnote are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext."
Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault

17e siècle
"The weaver's wife cried, 'No, stay as you are, but ask for two heads, and four hands, to do double work.'"


17e siècle
"Footnotes are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext."


17e siècle
"Footnote are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext."


17e siècle
"Footnote are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext."


17e siècle
"Footnote are indicated by numbers in brackets, and are grouped at the end of the Etext."
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

16e siècle
"Le texte porte: Doubt thou, the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

16e siècle
"Now is the jerkin under the line: now jerkin, you are like to lose your hair and prove a bald jerkin."